Tuesday, February 17, 2009

T.C Boyle uses a wide variety of metaphors throughout the short story Greasy Lake. In the story he uses a metaphor to describe the barrenness of the island in the middle of Greasy Lake. He said it looked as if the Air Force had strafed it. He uses another metaphor to refer to the headlights of another car saying that it blinked towards them. The author also refers to the bad character as a lusty Rockette in the way that he kicked the narrator in the face. There is also a metaphor to describe the narrators emotions by saying he had a "tinny compound of shock, rage, and impotence wadded" in his throat. "He was a big grimacing toothy balloon and I was a man with a straight pin" this metaphor was used to describe the situation of the narrator striking the man in the head with his tire iron. The author then uses another metaphor to describe the girl screaming after the boys "the screams of the Sabine woman, the Christian martyrs, Anne Frank dragged from the garret."

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Whoop d do

Cold Hearted was about a chinese-american child growing up with his traditional chinsese family. He exlaimed that tv dinners were the greatest invention every because all he got to eat at his house was oriental cuisine that was "blackfoot food" the author tells the story of when the boy went with his father to go take an old refridgerator that his father spotted on the side of the road. The experience meant so much to the boy and he thought he was really bonding with his father during their escapades. Then once they got the fridge home his father really only cared about the fridge and the process of retreiving the cooling device was just another task his father had to do. The title of the story is cold hearted because his father loved a fridge instead of his son or so it seemed at the time. The son hoped that one day he could love something as much as his father loved that old frigidaire.

Monday, February 2, 2009


There are a few small differences between the film and the acual play. For one the man never smokes, whats up with that ? Its okay to have a nice big cuban every now and then. A mans got his needs. Theres also a few more severe differences between the two. I noticed that in the film there are only 4 characters in the film wheras there are 5 in the story. Theres no lovely assistand to flip the letters on the giant board of wheel of fortune. What a shame not to see lovely Vanna White in the film. Theres also the entire vaugness of the play. None of the characters have any distinctive qualities. None have a set age or gender which takes away from the idea of the play itself. At first i didnt fully understand the meaning of the play but once i went through the slides it made perfect sense and I acually ended up truly enjoying this extremely short but meaningful play.